picture storybook;food & womenTuesday, June 05, 2007
When i was young, i love picture storybooks. It was simply a joy to read fascinating stories with illustrated pictures to capture my imagination. Today, I shall attempt to write one of my own with pictures taken using my Nokia phone in a local roti prata
store. Hope you enjoy this.
Entry Title: Food & Women
There are many kinds of women. They can be classified into several broad categories according to their characteristics or features. Some desire to be inside a particular category. While others are satisfied with their existing group. This entry shall seek to explore some of these common categories.
Let's start with my favorite kind.
(picture of curry)
They are red hot. They make people sweat profusely. It is as if they are on fire, blazing the ground with their graceful movements and creating sparks upon contact. However, consuming too much of them has adverse effects. They give heart problems, since it has high cholesterol. Consume at your own risk.
The next category are highly sought after and favored by mother-in-laws.
Few people are aware that they are in this category until an event occurs. However there are some defining characteristics, which are hard to escape our attention. Wide hip. Large buns & bums. They are constantly in demand by mother-in-laws, especially those who only have a precious son to extend their family line. (Apparently, media portrays less of father-in-laws concerned about such gritty stuff.)There is some difficulty involved in identifying people in these categories akin to telling a good egg from a bad one.
Next, we have another popular category as highly demanded as the hot & spicy.
(sugar on plate)
They are mostly lovable (those that are not lovable, are most likely the act cute kind.) They are sweet-looking. They are eye candies. Like all good things, there are some flaws as well. As a result of being too sweet, most find themselves being plagued with toothache and even diabetes due to reckless overdose. You have been warned.
This next category does not really belong in this women category. But without them, the topic never really seems complete.
(holder to contain pepper and soy sauce)
There is limited knowledge to divulge in this category. Talk to a real pro to find out more.
Lastly, a inside joke.

Ok, I didn't get that from a roti prata store.
jumble-o-mixSunday, June 03, 2007
It started with the national arts quiz.
Then, history repeats itself in SAT test.
On 2ND June 2007, I made a grave mistake. It was a foolish error, partially caused by time pressure. With the clock ticking down, i felt lost in a pressure cooker. Words that would normally flow to my mind were jammed. Sparks of brilliance were nonexistent on that day. In haste, I wrote a poo-poo; Albert Einstein failed 10,000 combinations before creating the first light bulb. It is especially ironic when the question ask if people benefit from adversity or misfortune. If this question comes out again, I will be tempted to quote my own little life example.
All right, hope you got a good laugh. Now, go back to your studies(and be serious).
Writer's thoughts:
I think i need a crash course on modern history.